
Boccia is for co-ed athletes age eight and over with a physical disability. It can be an individual sport or team sport by classifications. Practices and competitive games are offered within the region throughout the season.


- Director of Multi-Sports; Boccia -

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What is Boccia?

Boccia is a test of muscle control and accuracy, requiring high focus and concentration. The goal of the game is to throw/bowl game balls so that they land as close as possible to a special target ball, the "jack". Boccia is practiced in 42 countries and is open to athletes with severe cerebral palsy or related neurological conditions using a wheelchair. All events are mixed and feature individual, pair and team competitions per classification. It is played on a marked court, usually with a hard surface.


There are four classes in Boccia. Athletes are grouped according to their impairment as follows:

BC1: Athletes who have Cerebral Palsy. They either kick or throw the ball. They may request the use of an assistant, providing the assistant remains outside of the athlete's box.

BC2: Athletes who have Cerebral Palsy but are able to better throw the ball than BC1 players. They are not allowed the use of an assistant.

BC3: Athletes with a severe physical disability (Cerebral Palsy or other) that prevents them from throwing or kicking the ball three metres. They require assistive equipment such as a ramp. An assistant is also allowed within the athlete's box, however they are not allowed to observe gameplay.

BC4: Athletes who have a significant physical disability (non-Cerebral Palsy) that makes it difficult for them to throw the ball. No assistants or assistive devices may be used.


Regionals Competitions

Ontario Provincial Championships

National Championships

Paralympics / World Championships

Length of Season

The Boccia season runs from April thru to November.


Adapted balls made of soft leather are used indoor Boccia. There are 13 balls in total- six red, six blue and one white ball.


Boccia: Sundays, 3:00-5:00pm



Mississauga, ON
Location will be confirmed in early 2022.

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