
All our forms are available in .pdf format. Please click the icon to download.
To view club documents, like By-laws, please visit the About pages.


We no longer offer paper registration. Please visit Wild Apricot to register for programs and events.


Alexander J. Szerenyi Award

2024-25 Bursary

Please contact our Director of Registration ( to initiate a payment plan.

Deferred Payments

Out of Bounds Membership

Miscellaneous Forms

Equipment Loan Agreement

Incident Reporting

Travel Expense Reimbursement

Photo Consent

Participation Waivers

One waiver must be signed, on paper, by every participant, and, if applicable, their legal guardian. There are no exceptions.

Age of Majority

Under Age of Majority

Codes of Conduct

Athlete / Guardian Agreement

Coach Agreement

Volunteer Agreement

Rowan's Law - Concussion Awareness

Please visit the Rowan's Law page to view all Rowan's Law resources and information.


Donation Comittment Form

Looking to sponsor the Cruisers or one of our events?

Please visit one of our Event pages, our Fundraising page, or contact our Director of Fundraising for more information!

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